Saturday, July 4, 2009

Arizona Government

Can we get any more ridiculous. The GOP in Arizona should be ashamed of themselves. We recently made a national list of the 5 worst governments in the US. We were placed in the same category as New York, California, and New Jersey - not very good company. Why can't the legislature figure out what we need is a conservative state government that meets the needs of the people. We need to put our money into solid infrastructure and education. Those two things will bring businesses to the valley that will provide the jobs needed to drive an invigorated economy. We need to stop giving away 100's of millions of dollars to companies that don't need the assistance. If their business plan is solid, why would they need you and I to offer them an incentive? We need a legislature that respects the property rights of individuals. Why can't we get the legislature we need to run this state? I surmise that's the fault of the citizens. Would you take on the job for $24K per year? Me either. I keep hearing people say when the legislature starts to perform they will vote for the pay raise. That's backwards folks. You get what you pay for and if you don't think that holds true in government, take a stroll down to the capital and speak with some of those willing to do the job for $24K a year or just sit back and observe. One more thing. We need to get rid of "Sheriff Joe." The fact that somebody wants to make a reality show out what we call a sheriff should tell you something about the reality of the situation.

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