Sunday, June 28, 2009

Campaigning vs. Reality

With President Obama signing an Executive Order to allow "enemy combatants" to be detained indefinitely he has completed his affirmation of the Bush policies. You see, while campaigning he could say what the world wanted to hear, that indefinite detention was a violation of basic human rights. Now that he is President and the reality of situation sets in, he understands that he has no choice. The people we have detained at Guantanamo Bay are dangerous and if released would immediately return there ways of seeking ways to maim and kill our citizens. Many of his own party and many of his followers are upset with his apparent change in position. These people don't get the reality of the situation because they don't get the daily intelligence briefings that the President receives and they don't understand the reality of this world. Our president has altered course in two areas. First, he has limited the use of interrogation techniques allowed by the previous administration. This will be fine until the next significant terrorist attack. If it comes on Obama's watch, many will then be asking if it could have been prevented had we utilized those interrogation techniques that many have said prevented significant terrorist attacks in the past. Second, he has set in plan of removing our troops from Iraq. A major step in that plan, the removal of troops from cities, will take place in the next few days. If the deaths in those cities at the hands of insurgents accelerates in the coming weeks and months it will be a major setback as it would demonstrate the the Iraqi military/police force is not yet capable of maintaining the peace. I personally hope it works. I would like nothing more than for our boys to be brought home but I don't want it done before the job is done.

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